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How It Works

ExcurInsure not only protects your experience from bad weather, it is super easy to implement.


Step 1 - enter your excursion information.  You provide us with the key information about where and when the excursion is taking place, which company you are working with, and the cost of the excursion.


Step 2 - Give us a second.  Using our proprietary weather modeling software we will review the dates and times of your event, and come up with a price for coverage against rain, wind, clouds, or any combination of the three

Step 3 - Select your coverage.  Choose the coverage that makes the most sense for you. 

Step 4 - Enjoy your excursion.  We monitor the weather stations and if the weather events trigger the coverage then we will issue a payment.  Whether you go on the excursion or not.

Step 5 - Spend or donate your payment.  We aim to pay out within 24 hours so you can hopefully spend while you are still on vacation, or you can choose to donate to one of our partner non-profits to help fight climate change in Hawaii.

Waikiki Catamarans
shark diving
sea turtle

Where We Fit

Not sure whether ExcurInsure is right for your trip.  Consider the following activities


Whether it's sportfishing, diving, parasailing or that special sunset cruise the weather impacts the experience.  Rain, wind or cloud cover will not always casue the tour operator to cancel events, but it can still impact the experience.  If you are worried about weather ruining your experience on the water then ExcurInsure is right for you.


Here's the deal.  If you have a tee time at Kapalua, Hualalai on the Big Island, or any of the oceanfront courses on Kauai and it's raining you can either play or not.   Either way the course will not give you a refund.  That's where ExcurInsure comes in.  You can get your green fees back due to rain or wind during your round


Who doesn't want to get married on a beach in Hawaii.  Don't let rain ruin your special day.  With ExcurInsure you can have coverage to pay for additional expenses that might come with moving indoors, or just to have an extra night or two for your honeymoon

Island Tours

Touring Oahu or Maui by motorcycle or slingshot can be a special experience.  The wind in your hair, cruising along the ocean and stopping to see some of the most breathtaking views in the world.  That is unless it rains all day.  ExcurInsure can offset the cost of the rental so you can find the silver lining in those rainy days on the road

Adventure Rides

Trail riding, either by horseback or UTV can be a special experience, but horses can be jittery in the wind, and rain can sting when you are cruising through the jungle at 20 MPH.  Let ExcurInsure will make sure you have a great time, regardless of the weather

These are just a few of the activities we can protect you from adverse weather.  We can also help with concerts, camping, and any outdoor activity that you want to experience in Hawai'i.  If you are ready to take the next step and get a no obligation quote click below and let's get started

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